Uses an SMTP channel to concretely implement the handling of AlmanacController entry writing requests. This persistence strategy offers unified formatting and persistence methods for any kind of log entry.

The following tables list the members exposed by the EmailPersistence type.

Name Description
Public constructor EmailPersistence Creates a new EmailPersistence strategy.
Name Description
Public method Add Decorates and routes log entry adding requests, to the underlying channel or media.

This inversion of control method is responsible of the delegation of the concrete persistence handling, to a method OnAddXxx implemented by the subclasses of this PersistenceStrategy. (inherited from PersistenceStrategy).
Public method Equals (Overloaded) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method Finalize Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object).
Public method GetType (Overloaded) Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object).
Protected method MemberwiseClone Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object).
Protected method OnAddAlert By invoking the AddFormattedEntry(LogEntry) method with the alert and the literal "Alert" as argument values, handles the delegation of concretely persist an Alert log entry to the underlying channel or media. (inherited from SingleFormatPersistenceStrategy<TFormattedLogEntry>).
Protected method OnAddDebug By invoking the AddFormattedEntry(LogEntry) method with the debug and the literal "Debug" as argument values, handles the delegation of concretely persist a Debug log entry to the underlying channel or media. (inherited from SingleFormatPersistenceStrategy<TFormattedLogEntry>).
Protected method OnAddError By invoking the AddFormattedEntry(LogEntry) method with the error and the literal "Error" as argument values, handles the delegation of concretely persist an Error log entry to the underlying channel or media. (inherited from SingleFormatPersistenceStrategy<TFormattedLogEntry>).
Protected method OnAddFatalError By invoking the AddFormattedEntry(LogEntry) method with the fatalError and the literal "Fatal Error" as argument values, handles the delegation of concretely persist a FatalError log entry to the underlying channel or media. (inherited from SingleFormatPersistenceStrategy<TFormattedLogEntry>).
Protected method OnAddFormattedEntry (Overloaded) By sending an email message with the string formatted log entry as body, this inversion control method handles the request to persist a formatted log entry to the underlying channel or media.
Protected method OnAddInformation By invoking the AddFormattedEntry(LogEntry) method with the information and the literal "Information" as argument values, handles the delegation of concretely persist an Information log entry to the underlying channel or media. (inherited from SingleFormatPersistenceStrategy<TFormattedLogEntry>).
Protected method OnAddTrace By invoking the AddFormattedEntry(LogEntry) method with the trace and the literal "Trace" as argument values, handles the delegation of concretely persist a Trace log entry to the underlying channel or media. (inherited from SingleFormatPersistenceStrategy<TFormattedLogEntry>).
Protected method OnFormatEntry By transforming the log entry to a string that represents the email message body, this inversion control method handles the request to format a log entry.
Protected method OnInitializeWith Handles the request to initialize the persistence strategy with the specified entry source. (inherited from PersistenceStrategy).
Public method Static ReferenceEquals Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. (inherited from Object).
Public method ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object).
Name Description
Public extension method FromNullable Converts object values to nullable relational data store values. (Defined by Object_ToNullable).
Public extension method GetAttribute Obtains the first attribute that decorates an object class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method GetAttribute<TAtribute> (Overloaded) Obtains the first attribute that decorates an object class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method GetAttributes Obtains the attributes that decorates a class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method GetAttributes<TAtribute> (Overloaded) Obtains the attributes that decorates a class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes).
Public extension method ToNullable<T> Converts nullable relational data store values to Nullable<T>. (Defined by Object_ToNullable).