The following tables list the members exposed by the Information type.

Name Description
Public property CanonicalCategoryId Gets the entry identifier, formatted as an hexadecimal number of the form 0x00000000, or the special value "Not set" if the entry identifier is null. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property CategoryId Gets the entry category identifier. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property CreationTime Gets the entry creation date and time. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property Exception Gets the entry associated exception, if any. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property Message Gets the entry brief explanatory text. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property OperationName Gets the entry associated operation name. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property Severity Gets the entry application dependent degree of impact or relevance. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property Source Gets the entry associated application location, computer and user. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property TrackingCode Gets or sets the entry unique identifier assigned by Almanac during the entry writing operation. (inherited from LogEntry).
Public property TypeName Gets the entry type name. (inherited from LogEntry).