Assembly: Keystone.Carbonite (in Keystone.Carbonite.dll)

Name Description
Public class BaseCarboniteController Creates and hosts Carbonite DAO instances, acting for them as a communication manager to call the functions of the underlying data store context.
Public class BaseDao<TDataContext, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters> The base class of any Carbonite data access object (DAO). Carbonite DAOs translate persistence operations to and from a wide variety of data stores.
Public class BaseEntity The base class of any Carbonite entity. These entities simplifies the stringification and dynamic property inspection processes.
Public class CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters> Creates and hosts Carbonite DAO instances, acting for them as a communication manager to call the functions of the underlying data store context.
Public class Dao<TEntity, TEntityCollection, TDataContext, TFilteringCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters> The base class of any DAO that manages entity persistence operations.
Public class DataContextCreationArgument Represents an argument to be transferred to the CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, CarboniteController(bool, bool, DataContextCreationArgument[]) constructor so that a new data context to the underlying data store is successfully created. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class DataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TDataContext, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters> The base class of any DAO that encapsulates a parameterless program hosted and executed by the underlying data store.
Public class DataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TProgramArguments, TDataContext, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters> The base class of any DAO that encapsulates a parameterized program hosted and executed by the underlying data store.
Public class GroupingDao<TEntity, TEntityGroup, TDataContext, TFilteringCriteria, TGroupingCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria, TCarboniteController, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters> The base class of any DAO that reads data store entities in an aggregated fashion.
Public class StrongEntity<TId> The base class of any identifiable entity.
Public class StrongNamedEntity<TId> The base class of any named and identifiable entity.
Public class WeakEntity The base class of any non identifiable entity.
Public class WeakNamedEntity The base class of any named and non identifiable entity.
Name Description
Public interface IBaseDao The behavioral contract of any Carbonite data access object (DAO). Carbonite DAOs translate persistence operations to and from a wide variety of data stores.
Public interface ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters> The behavioral contract of any Carbonite controller whose purpose is to create and host Carbonite DAO instances, acting for them as a communication manager to call the functions of the underlying data store context.
Public interface IDao<TEntity, TEntityCollection, TFilteringCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria> The behavioral contract of any Carbonite DAO that manages entity persistence operations.
Public interface IDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TProgramArguments> The behavioral contract of any DAO that encapsulates a parameterized program hosted and executed by the underlying data store.
Public interface IDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult> The behavioral contract of any DAO that encapsulates a parameterless program hosted and executed by the underlying data store.
Public interface IGroupingDao<TEntity, TEntityGroup, TFilteringCriteria, TGroupingCriteria, TOrderingCriteria, TPagingCriteria> The behavioral contract of any DAO that reads data store entities in an aggregated fashion.

Windows, Windows Server, OS X, macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android, Linux, AWS, Azure

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6


Xamarin, Mono