The following tables list the members exposed by the IDiamantCarboniteController<TDataContext> type.

Name Description
Public method CloseDataContext Closes the underlying data store context. (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Public method ConfirmChanges Signals a confirm changes message to the current transactional context. This method will effectively apply into the underlying data store the changes retained in the transaction . (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Public method CreateCommand Routes a command creation request for the underlying relational data store.
Public method DiscardChanges Signals a discard changes message to the current transactional context. This method will discard the changes retained in the transaction. (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Public method Get<TDao> Gets an instance of the requested DAO type. If that type has been previously requested, the same instance is served, otherwise a new instance is created. (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Public method OpenDataContext Opens the underlying data store context. (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Public method SendChanges Signals a send changes message to the underlying data store context. This method will flush the change buffer and effectively apply those changes into the data store. (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Public method StartChanges (Overloaded) Signals a start changes message to the underlying data store context. This method sets the value of the Transaction property. (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Public method With<TDao> Gets an instance of the requested DAO type to be used for a single operation. If that type has been previously requested, the same instance is served, otherwise a new instance is created. (inherited from ICarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).