The following tables list the members exposed by the MySqlCarboniteController type.

Name Description
Public property CloseDataContextOnChangesConfirmation Gets a value indicating whether the current Carbonite controller must close the underlying data store context after successfully calling the ConfirmChanges method. (inherited from BaseCarboniteController).
Public property DataContext Gets the underlying data store context. (inherited from CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Protected property HasChangeBuffer Gets a value indicating whether the underlying data store context supports data change buffering. (inherited from DiamantCarboniteController<TDataContext>).
Public property PersistChangesPerOperation Gets a value indicating whether the current Carbonite controller must commit data changes every time a persistence method of a DAO is successfully called. (inherited from BaseCarboniteController).
Public property Transaction Gets the current transactional context, if any, to the underlying data store. (inherited from CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).