The following tables list the members exposed by the Keystone.Carbonite.Diamant type.

Name Description
Public class CodeFirstDiamantDao<TEntity, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM DAO in which persistence operations for a relational data store are written in traditional ADO.NET code.
Public class CodeFirstDiamantDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM DAO that encapsulates a parameterless program hosted and executed by the underlying relational data store.

Statements that activates the parameterless program are written in traditional ADO.NET code.
Public class CodeFirstDiamantDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TProgramArguments, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM DAO that encapsulates a parameterized program hosted and executed by the underlying relational data store.

Statements that activates the parameterized program are written in traditional ADO.NET code.
Public class CodeFirstDiamantGroupingDao<TEntity, TEntityGroup, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM DAO that reads relational data store entities in an aggregated fashion.

Readings are written in traditional ADO.NET query code.
Public class ConfigurationFirstDiamantDao<TEntity, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM DAO in which persistence operations for a relational data store are automatically created by using TableMappings declaratively expressed.
Public class ConfigurationFirstDiamantGroupingDao<TEntity, TEntityGroup, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM DAO in which group data reading operations for a relational data store are automatically created by using TableMappings declaratively expressed.
Public class ConventionFirstDiamantDaoContext<TEntity> Retains the running state and reusable algorithms of any Diamant ORM DAO in which persistence operations for a relational data store are automatically created by inferring data schema in accordance with TEntity characteristics.
Public class Static DataNamingTranslator Provides extension methods to translate .NET application element names like classes and properties, into data store names like tables and columns.
Public class DiamantCarboniteController<TDataContext> Creates and hosts Diamant DAO instances, acting for them as a communication manager to call the functions of the underlying relational data store connection.
Public class DiamantDao<TEntity, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM DAO that manages entity persistence operations against a relational data store.
Public class DiamantDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM data context program DAO that encapsulates a parameterless program hosted and executed by the underlying relational data store.
Public class DiamantDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TProgramArguments, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM data context program DAO that encapsulates a parameterized program hosted and executed by the underlying relational data store.
Public class DiamantGroupingDao<TEntity, TEntityGroup, TDataContext, TDataCommand, TDataReader> The base class of any Diamant ORM grouping DAO that reads entity aggregations from a relational data store.
Public class GroupBy The grouping criteria used by Diamant ORM grouping DAOs.
Public class Static Object_ToNullable Provides extension methods to convert nullable relational data store values to and from its .NET equivalents.
Public class OrderBy The ordering criteria used by Diamant ORM DAOs.
Public class Paging The paging criteria used by Diamant ORM DAOs.
Public class TableColumnMapping Represents a relational data store table column to and from entity property mapping.
Public class TableExpressionMapping Represents a relational data store expression to entity property mapping.
Public class TableMapping The base class of any relational data store element to entity property mapping.
Public class TableMappings A positional set of TableMapping items for an associated relational data store table.
Public class Where The filtering criteria used by Diamant ORM grouping DAOs.
Public class WhereParameter Represents a parameter included in a TextualCriteria by using a @EntityProperty notation.
Public class WhereParameterCollection A set of WhereParameter items.
Name Description
Public interface IConventionFirstDiamantDao<TEntity> The behavioral contract of any Diamant ORM DAO in which persistence operations for a relational data store are automatically created by inferring data schema in accordance with TEntity characteristics.
Public interface IDiamantCarboniteController<TDataContext> The behavioral contract of any Carbonite controller whose purpose is to create and host Diamant DAO instances, acting for them as a communication manager to call the functions of the underlying relational data store connection.
Public interface IDiamantDao<TEntity> The behavioral contract of any Diamant ORM DAO that manages entity persistence operations against a relational data store.
Public interface IDiamantDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult, TProgramArguments> The behavioral contract of any Diamant ORM data context program DAO that encapsulates a parameterized program hosted and executed by the underlying relational data store.
Public interface IDiamantDataContextProgramDao<TProgramResult> The behavioral contract of any Diamant ORM data context program DAO that encapsulates a parameterless program hosted and executed by the underlying relational data store.
Public interface IDiamantGroupingDao<TEntity, TEntityGroup> The behavioral contract of any Diamant ORM grouping DAO.
Name Description
Public enumeration NamingConvention The naming conventions supported by Diamant ORM convention first DAOs to translate entity names to and from relational data store names.