Closes the underlying data store context.
(inherited from BaseCarboniteController).
Signals a confirm changes message to the current transactional context. This method will effectively apply into the underlying data store the changes retained in the transaction .
(inherited from CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Signals a discard changes message to the current transactional context. This method will discard the changes retained in the transaction.
(inherited from CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(inherited from Object).
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(inherited from Object).
Gets an instance of the requested DAO type. If that type has been previously requested, the same instance is served, otherwise a new instance is created.
(inherited from BaseCarboniteController).
Serves as the default hash function.
(inherited from Object).
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(inherited from Object).
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(inherited from Object).
By closing the data connection represented by CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, DataContext, this inversion control method
handles the request to close the underlying Entity Framework data context.
By committing the current transaction in the data connection represented by CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, DataContext,
this inversion control method handles the request to signal a confirm changes message to the current transactional context.
By instantiating a new TDataContext, this inversion control method handles the request to create the underlying Entity Framework data context.
By starting a new transaction in the data connection represented by CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, DataContext,
this inversion control method handles the request to create a transaction in the underlying Entity Framework data context.
By rollbacking the current transaction in the data connection represented by CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, DataContext,
this inversion control method handles the request to signal a discard changes message to the current transactional context.
Handles the request to get a new instance of the requested DAO type.
(inherited from BaseCarboniteController).
By opening the data connection represented by CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, DataContext, this inversion control method
handles the request to open the underlying Entity Framework data context.
By rollbacking and disposing the current transaction in the data connection represented by CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, DataContext,
this inversion control method handles the request to release the current transactional context.
By flushing the change buffer to the data connection represented by CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, DataContext,
this inversion control method handles the request to send changes message to the underlying Entity Framework data context.
Handles the request to signal a start changes message to the underlying data store context.
(inherited from CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Opens the underlying data store context.
(inherited from BaseCarboniteController).
Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance.
(inherited from Object).
Signals a send changes message to the underlying data store context. This method will flush the change buffer and effectively apply those changes into the data store.
(inherited from CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Signals a start changes message to the underlying data store context. This method sets the value of the Transaction property.
(inherited from CarboniteController<TDataContext, TTransaction, TTransactionCreationParameters>).
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(inherited from Object).
Gets an instance of the requested DAO type to be used for a single operation. If that type has been previously requested, the same instance is served, otherwise a new instance is created.
(inherited from BaseCarboniteController).