Assembly: Keystone.Clockwork (in Keystone.Clockwork.dll)

Name Description
Public class AggregatedValidationException An exception that aggregates a set of ValidationException instances.
Public class BankingAccountNumber Transfers the input if its value is in the format of a Banking account number. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: Eleven digit number.
Public class BankingAccountNumberAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the BankingAccountNumber validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class BaseGear The non-generic, abstract base class of any gear.
Public class BaseInput The non-generic, abstract base class of any Gear<TResult> input.
Public class BaseInputValidationRule Represents an Input<T> validation rule.
Public class Static BaseInput_Is Provides extension methods to simplify the configuration of Input<T> Validate<TToValidate> validation gears.
Public class BaseOutput The non-generic, abstract base class of any gear output.
Public class Between Transfers the input if its value is between the expected range. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class BetweenAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Between validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Boolean "Transfers the input if its value is boolean. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.".
Public class BooleanAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Boolean validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class CallMethodOf<TObject, TMethodReturn> Returns the specified method call result of the given object.
Public class CallMethodOf<TObject> Calls the specified void method of the given object.
Public class CastTo<TDestination> Projects the given value into a destination data type.
Public class CollectionComparisonTrue The base class of any collection comparison validation gear.
Public class CollectionComparisonTrueAttribute The base class of any collection comparison validation attribute.
Public class ComparisonTrue The base class of any comparison validation gear.
Public class ComparisonTrueAttribute The base class of any comparison validation attribute.
Public class CountItems<TItem> Returns the number of items of the input collection.
Public class CreditCardNumber Transfers the input if its value is in the format of a Credit card number. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Public class CreditCardNumberAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the CreditCardNumber validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Date Transfers the input if its value is date-time. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class DateAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Date validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Decimal Transfers the input if its value is a decimal number. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class DecimalAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Decimal validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class DeclarationFirstGearAttribute The base class of any attribute whose purpose is to activate a Gear<TResult> by declaratively decorate another Gear<TResult> class.
Public class Decorate<TResult, TInnerGearResult> The base class of any gear that decorates an InnerGear execution.
Public class DecorateLifecycle<TInnerGearResult> The base class of any gear that decorates an Decorate<TResult, InnerGear lifecycle.
Public class Email Transfers the input if its value is in the format of an Email address. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Public class EmailAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Email validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Enumerable Transfers the input if its value is an enumerable collection. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class EnumerableAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Enumerable validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class EqualTo Transfers the input if its value is equal to the value to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class EqualToAll Transfers the input if its value is equal to all of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class EqualToAllAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the EqualToAll validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class EqualToAny Transfers the input if its value is equal to any of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class EqualToAnyAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the EqualToAny validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class EqualToAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the EqualTo validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Format Transfer the input if its value is in the expected format pattern. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class FormatAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Format validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Gear<TResult> The base class of any gear that represents a step in a process.
Public class GetAsyncResultOf<TInnerGearResult> Returns the inner gear successful asynchronous running result.
Public class GetEnumerator<TItem> Return an object that can be used to enumerate each of the input collection items.
Public class GetFieldOf<TObject, TField> Returns the specified field of the given object.
Public class GetOutputOf<TOutput> Returns the requested inner gear Output<TOutput>.
Public class GetPropertyOf<TObject, TProperty> Returns the specified property of the given object.
Public class GetResultOf<TInnerGearResult> Returns the inner gear successful running result.
Public class GreaterOrEqualTo Transfers the input if its value is greater or equal to the value to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class GreaterOrEqualToAll Transfers the input if its value is greater or equal to all of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class GreaterOrEqualToAllAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the GreaterOrEqualToAll validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class GreaterOrEqualToAny Transfers the input if its value is greater or equal to any of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class GreaterOrEqualToAnyAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the GreaterOrEqualToAny validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class GreaterOrEqualToAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the GreaterOrEqualTo validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class GreaterThan Transfers the input if its value is greater than the value to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class GreaterThanAll Transfers the input if its value is greater than all of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class GreaterThanAllAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the GreaterThanAll validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class GreaterThanAny Transfers the input if its value is greater than any of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class GreaterThanAnyAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the GreaterThanAny validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class GreaterThanAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the GreaterThan validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class IdentificationNumber Transfers the input if its value is in the format of an Identification document number like Passports, Driver's licenses, etc. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: US Passport number with eight digits.
Public class IdentificationNumberAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the IdentificationNumber validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class If<TResult> Conditionally runs a specific Gear<TResult> and returns it result depending of the logical value of the given IsTrueThat predicate.
Public class Input<T> Represents any input required by a Gear<TResult> to perform its task on running. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class InputCollection A set of BaseInput items accesible by name.
Public class InputCompletionContext The execution state used to complete the input configuration of any Validate<TToValidate> gear expressed declaratively as a ValidateAttribute.
Public class InputOwner A wrapper that holds the Gear<TResult> that originally owns an input.
Public class InputValidationRule<TInputToValidate> Represents a input validation rule expressed in a configuration first style.
Public class InputValidationRules A positional set of InputValidationRule<TInputToValidate> items that validates the inputs of a Gear<TResult>.
Public class Integer Transfers the input if its value is an integer number. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class IntegerAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Integer validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Intersect<TItem> Returns the common items between two input collections, without duplicates.
Public class ItemCountBetween<TItem> Transfers the input if its item count is between the expected range. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class ItemCountBetweenAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the ItemCountBetween<Object> validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LengthBetween Transfers the input if its value length is between the expected range. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LengthBetweenAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LengthBetween validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LengthEqualTo Transfers the input if its value length is equal to the expected value. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LengthEqualToAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LengthEqualTo validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LengthGreaterOrEqualTo Transfers the input if its value length is greater or equal to the expected value. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LengthGreaterOrEqualToAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LengthGreaterOrEqualTo validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LengthGreaterThan Transfers the input if its value length is greater than the expected value. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LengthGreaterThanAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LengthGreaterThan validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LengthLessOrEqualTo Transfers the input if its value length is less or equal to the expected value. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LengthLessOrEqualToAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LengthLessOrEqualTo validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LengthLessThan Transfers the input if its value length is less than the expected value. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LengthLessThanAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LengthLessThan validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LessOrEqualTo Transfers the input if its value is less or equal to the value to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LessOrEqualToAll Transfers the input if its value is less or equal to all of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LessOrEqualToAllAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LessOrEqualToAll validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LessOrEqualToAny Transfers the input if its value is less or equal to any of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LessOrEqualToAnyAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LessOrEqualToAny validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LessOrEqualToAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LessOrEqualTo validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LessThan Transfers the input if its value is less than the value to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LessThanAll Transfers the input if its value is less than all of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LessThanAllAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LessThanAll validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LessThanAny Transfers the input if its value is less than any of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class LessThanAnyAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LessThanAny validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class LessThanAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the LessThan validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class MakeAsync<TInnerGearResult> Runs the inner gear in a new thread.
Public class MakeDurable<TInnerGearResult> Runs the inner gear and stores its first successful running result. On each subsequent run, the stored result is returned without rerunning the inner gear.
Public class MakeParallel<TInnerGearResult> Runs the inner gear in any available processor core.
Public class ManualMechanism<TResult> The base class of any mechanism whose input values are not given by other gears, but are explicitly set by the caller. This avoid the need for the gear running engine to run the gears that fulfill input values, boosting the mechanism running performance.
Public class Mechanism<TResult> The base class of any mechanism that represents a process assembled by putting gears together.
Public class MemberToValidateInfo The information available to validate an object member by applying a ValidateAttribute.
Public class NameAttribute Declaratively sets the human-readable name of a member to process with a Gear<TResult>. In the context of Clockwork validation infrastructure, this name is used to format validation exception messages.
Public class NotEqualTo Transfers the input if its value is not equal to the value to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class NotEqualToAll Transfers the input if its value is not equal to all of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class NotEqualToAllAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the NotEqualToAll validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class NotEqualToAny Transfers the input if its value is not equal to any of the values to compare to. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class NotEqualToAnyAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the NotEqualToAny validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class NotEqualToAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the NotEqualTo validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Optional Transfers the input if its value is not null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nor empty. Otherwise the default value is assigned to transferred.
Public class OptionalAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Optional validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Order<TItem, TOrderingCriteria> Returns the items of the input collection, ordered according to the given criteria.
Public class Output<T> Represents any output produced by a Gear<TResult> running, additional to its inherent running result. This class cannot be inherited.
Public class OutputCollection A set of BaseOutput items accesible by name.
Public class Parameter Represents any in or out parameter involved in a Gear<TResult> running.
Public class PostalCode Transfers the input if its value is in the format of a Postal code. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: Any five digit postal code.
Public class PostalCodeAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the PostalCode validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Required Transfers the input if its value is not null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) nor empty. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class RequiredAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Required validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Return<TToTransfer, TInnerGearResult> Returns the given value if the inner gear successfully runs.
Public class Run<TInnerGear, TResult> Sequentially runs two gears and returns the latter gear running result.
Public class RunningEngine<TGearResult> The base class of any component responsible of the preparation and running of Gear<TResult> gear graphs.
Public class RunningEngineFactory The base class of any RunningEngine<TGearResult> instance factory.
Public class RunningEventHandlerContext The execution state of a BaseGear running event handler.
Public class RunningEventHandlers Offers methods to subscribe handlers to gear running lifecycle events.
Public class RunningFailureHandlerContext The execution state of a BaseGear running failure handler.
Public class RunningSuccessHandlerContext The execution state of a BaseGear running success handler.
Public class SetFieldOf<TObject, TField> Changes the value of the given object specified field.
Public class SetPropertyOf<TObject, TProperty> Changes the value of the given object specified property.
Public class StandardizedBankingCipher Transfers the input if its value is in the format of an Standardized banking cipher number. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: Any eighteen number of the form 000-000-00000000000-0, 000 000 00000000000 0 or 000000000000000000
Public class StandardizedBankingCipherAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the StandardizedBankingCipher validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class StrongPassword Transfers the input if its value is in the format of a Strong password. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: Any eight character string with at least one number, one uppercase and one lowercase letter.
Public class StrongPasswordAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the StrongPassword validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Subtract<TItem> Returns the items of the left input collection without the common items between both input collections.
Public class TaxPayerIdentificationNumber Transfers the input if its value is in the format of a Taxpayer identification number. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: Any nine digit ITIN of the form 900-00-0000, 900 00 0000 or 900000000
Public class TaxPayerIdentificationNumberAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the TaxPayerIdentificationNumber validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class TelephoneNumber Transfers the input if its value is in the format of a Telephone number. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: Any local, domestic or international telephone. for example +1-000-000-0000 for international US, 000-00000 for local Germany, etc.
Public class TelephoneNumberAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the TelephoneNumber validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Transfer<TToTransfer> Hand over the specified value to transfer as if it were its own running result.
Public class TransferWithLambda<TToTransfer> Hand over the value obtained from the value to transfer lambda, as if it were its own running result.
Public class Unite<TItem> Returns the joined unique items of the two input collections.
Public class Url Transfers the input if its value is in the format of a URL. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.

Default validation format As: Any valid URL for http and https protocols, with or without query string.
Public class UrlAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the Url validation Gear over the decorated property or field.
Public class Validate<TToValidate> The base class of any gear that validates the integrity of a given value. This class is part of Clockwork validation infrastructure.
Public class ValidateAttribute The base class of any validate attribute that used in a declarative style, activates an underlying Validate<TToValidate> gear.
Public class ValidateInputs<TGearToValidateResult> Transfers the given Gear<TResult> if its inputs are compatible with the specified validation rules. Otherwise a ValidationException or an AggregatedValidationException is thrown.
Public class ValidateObject<TObject, TDeclarativeValidations> Transfer the given object if its properties and fields are compatible with the validations expressed in a declaration first style. Otherwise a ValidationException or an AggregatedValidationException is thrown.
Public class ValidateObject<TObjectAndDeclarativeValidations> Transfers the input object if its properties and fields are compatible with the validations declared in its own class. Otherwise a ValidationException or an AggregatedValidationException is thrown.
Public class ValidationException The exception thrown by Clockwork validation infrastructure.
Public class ValidationExceptionCollection A set of ValidationException.
Public class WellFormedXml Transfer the input if its value is a well formed XML. Otherwise a ValidationException is thrown.
Public class WellFormedXmlAttribute An attribute that used in a declarative fashion, activates the WellFormedXml validation Gear over the decorated property or field.

Windows, Windows Server, OS X, macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android, Linux, AWS, Azure

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6


Xamarin, Mono