Offers methods to read information about the current executing code, like the component names in its call stack and its base execution folder in
the local file system.
A component is a executable code container. For the .NET ecosystem, the conceptual component is represented as a .NET assembly in DLL or EXE format,
or a .NET module.
The following tables list the members exposed by the ExecutionContext type.
Name | Description | |
Equals | (Overloaded) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (inherited from Object). | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (inherited from Object). | |
GetBaseFolder | Obtains the current executing component base execution folder in the local file system. | |
GetCurrentComponentName | Obtains the name of the component whose code is currently in execution. That component occupies the first position from top to bottom in the call stack. | |
GetFirstInvokingComponentName | Obtains the name of the component whose code in the call stack originally produces the execution of the current component. That component occupies the last position from top to bottom in the call stack. | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (inherited from Object). | |
GetImmediateInvokingComponentName | Obtains the name of the component whose code in the call stack immediately invokes the current executing component. That component occupies the second position from top to bottom in the call stack. | |
GetInvokingComponentNameInPosition | Obtains the name of the component in a given position in the call stack. | |
GetTotalInvocationPositions | Obtains the total number of component positions in the current call stack. | |
GetType | (Overloaded) Gets the Type of the current instance. (inherited from Object). | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (inherited from Object). | |
ReferenceEquals | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. (inherited from Object). | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (inherited from Object). |
Name | Description | |
FromNullable | Converts object values to nullable relational data store values. (Defined by Object_ToNullable). | |
GetAttribute | Obtains the first attribute that decorates an object class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes). | |
GetAttribute<TAtribute> | (Overloaded) Obtains the first attribute that decorates an object class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes). | |
GetAttributes | Obtains the attributes that decorates a class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes). | |
GetAttributes<TAtribute> | (Overloaded) Obtains the attributes that decorates a class. (Defined by Attribute_GetAttributes). | |
ToNullable<T> | Converts nullable relational data store values to Nullable<T>. (Defined by Object_ToNullable). |