Assembly: Keystone (in Keystone.dll)

Name Description
Public class Static Action_Then
Public class Static Array_ToList Provides extension methods to convert arrays to editable lists.
Public class Static Attribute_GetAttributes Provides extension methods to read attributes from types and components at runtime.
Public class Static IEnumerable_ForEach Provides extension methods to run a process on enumerations.
Public class Static IEnumerable_Map Offers extension methods to apply transformations to enumerations.
Public class Static IEnumerable_Order Offers extension methods to sort enumerations.
Public class Static IEnumerable_Reduce Offers extension methods to aggregate enumeration items.
Public class Static IEnumerable_Subset Provides extension methods to project a source type value into another type, with a possible loss of magnitude or precision.
Public class Static Stream_ReadAllBytes Provides extension methods to project a source type value into another type, with a possible loss of magnitude or precision.
Public class Static T_Coalesce Offers extension methods to get values that are always different from null and empty.
Public class Static T_Comparisons Provides extension methods to compare arbitrary values.
Public class Static T_Conditionals Provides extension methods to execute code blocks according to a boolean value.
Public class Static Tuple_Repeat Provides extension methods to iteratively repeat a process.
Public class Static Type_Comparisons Offers extension methods to test the equality of types.
Public class Static bool_Logical Offers extension methods to apply logical operations over boolean types.
Public class Static bool_Repeat Provides extension methods to iteratively repeat a process.
Public class Static int_Reduce Offers extension methods to iteratively execute an aggregation.
Public class Static int_Repeat Provides extension methods to iteratively repeat a process.

Windows, Windows Server, OS X, macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android, Linux, AWS, Azure

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6


Xamarin, Mono