Creates a new QuantumController to extract variables from a specific configuration domain.

A configuration domain is an abstract concept that allows for a single application to model different sources of configuration variables and values. For example these configuration domains can represent application execution environments like Development, Testing and Production; or it can be configurations for different application user roles like Administrators, Standard Users and Read Only Users.

Namespace: Keystone.Quantum
Assembly: Keystone.Quantum (in Keystone.Quantum.dll)

public static QuantumController CreateWith( 
PersistenceStrategy persistenceStrategy
EncryptionStrategy encryptionStrategy = null, 
string configurationDomainInspectionSequence = "Development, Testing, Staging, Production, *", 
bool monitorConfigurationChanges = false 
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Type: PersistenceStrategy

The persistence strategy that will receive configuration variable reading requests.


Type: EncryptionStrategy

Optional parameter that defines the encryption strategy.


Type: string

Optional parameter that defines the configuration domain inspection sequence.


Type: bool

Optional parameter that defines if Quantum should monitor configuration changes at runtime if possible.

Return Value

A new QuantumController instance.
Exception type Condition


If the persistenceStrategy is null or If the configurationDomainsInspectionSequence is null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) or empty

Windows, Windows Server, OS X, macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android, Linux, AWS, Azure

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.6


Xamarin, Mono